Trenchless techniques

The sewerage systems of Moroccan towns represent a strategic patrimony that has to be preserved and improved in such a way that the effluents may be collected and the environment protected. High standards in public health and sanitation have greatly increased the need for efficient sewage disposal.

These pipe structures, very often found under the city’s main roads, cannot be replaced by new pipes installed in trenches without the economy and the tranquillity of the population being deeply disrupted.

Thanks to the CCV shells we fabricate in Morocco, an economical solution, with high levels of performance and quality, is made available for innovating project managers and owners.

Restoring visitable sewers is a necessity for:

- the patrimony

- The environment

- Public health

- Floods

- Security

No trenches, no diversion of the effluents, no nuisance during the works!


More than 5000 meters have already been rehabilitated. A trencheless, structuring and hydraulic rehabilitation. Complete section, arch or cunette only. From T100 to T300.